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Help. Connect. Match.

Matchmaking isn’t something we take lightly - provides the perfect environment for networking, giving you access to relevant contacts.

Event App

Matchmaking Program

Hosted Buyer Meetings

Learn more

Our matchmaking is 100% human & attendee-centric

Your goal at should be to talk to as many people as possible who are relevant for your business. We provide you with the tools and the team to achieve this goal.

The Matchmaking Team

A team of skilled and trained networkers

Know-how and experience in the innovation ecosystem

Professionals in the age of 25 - 50

Multi-cultural and multi-lingual: English, Spanish, Russian, Bulgarian, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Dutch

The Matchmaking App

Search through 2,500 attendees and filter for startups, investors, etc.

Chat with attendees over message, or arrange to meet on the event floor

Find your way around the conference with maps and content schedules

App will be released May, 15th 2024

Check out the
matchmaking program

Your goal at should be to talk to as many people as possible who are relevant for your business. We provide you with the tools and the team to achieve this goal.


Join moderated round table discussions about constant entrepreneurial concerns like funding and hiring at the Matchmaking Area.

Speed dating

Looking to make meaningful connections quickly? Then Speed Dating is the place for you! We provide an array of sessions designed to meet your needs and interests, allowing you to bond with those most suited.

1:1 Meeting Area

Schedule meetings with fellow HealthTech enthusiasts through the event app and meet 1:1 in our dedicated Meeting Area.

Hosted Buyer Meetings

Unlock top buyer-seller networking opportunities

Schedule 15 min. double opt-in meetings with pre-qualified scalable partners and enjoy 1:1 matchmaking concierge service to create personal relationships THAT matter

Meet the
Matchmaking Team