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Preliminary line-up, further sessions to follow regularly.


Stages & Tracks:

Mastering Connectivity in Remote Care: Lessons from the Front Lines
The Social Fabric of Health: Deep Dive into Determinants That Shape Our Wellbeing
The Psychology of High Performance: Insights from Elite Sports
Greener Surgeries: Pioneering Sustainable Practices in Healthcare
AM "AI" at Risk: Insights and threat analysis for founders impacted by the  AI Act
Leading with Empathy: Oscar Health’s Blueprint for Patient-Centric Care
Weightloss Redefined: Noom's Journey towards a Unicorn
Health Innovations and Sustainable Futures: Leveraging Global Insights
Investments in TechBio
Leaning into Leveraging: How Venture Debt is used to Scale
Decoding AI in Health Tech: Evaluating Startups from Every Angle
How to innovate with sustainable new offerings to improve people live in society
Demystifying AI: What it Can and What it Can Not
Pivots, Science and Patient-Centricity: learnings from ZOE
The Ecosystem Effect: How structured ecosystems amplify innovation
Tackling resource and talent challenges in health care environments
Renaissance of Risk: How Europe's Insurers Are Embracing Tech
Denmark's Data-Driven Healthcare - A Model for the Future?
Importance of Clinical Safety in Digital Health: Lessons from IBM
AM "AI" at Risk: Insights and threat analysis for founders impacted by the  AI Act
Pivots, Science and Patient-Centricity: learnings from ZOE
How to innovate with sustainable new offerings to improve people live in society
Leading with Empathy: Oscar Health’s Blueprint for Patient-Centric Care
Weightloss Redefined: Noom's Journey towards a Unicorn
The Social Fabric of Health: Deep Dive into Determinants That Shape Our Wellbeing
Value Based Care
Investments in TechBio
Decoding AI in Health Tech: Evaluating Startups from Every Angle
Demystifying AI: What it Can and What it Can Not
AM "AI" at Risk: Insights and threat analysis for founders impacted by the  AI Act
Investments in TechBio
Leaning into Leveraging: How Venture Debt is used to Scale
The Ecosystem Effect: How structured ecosystems amplify innovation
CEE Region - Creating a Support Ecosystem to Drive Investments
Weightloss Redefined: Noom's Journey towards a Unicorn
Kry's Vision for Health
Mastering Connectivity in Remote Care: Lessons from the Front Lines
Renaissance of Risk: How Europe's Insurers Are Embracing Tech
Health Innovations and Sustainable Futures: Leveraging Global Insights
Tackling resource and talent challenges in health care environments
The Psychology of High Performance: Insights from Elite Sports
Tackling resource and talent challenges in health care environments
Greener Surgeries: Pioneering Sustainable Practices in Healthcare
Digital Transformation in HC